To make Gallery to One Column on Mobile, you can use these CSS code to Custom CSS.
#1. Gallery Grid
@media screen and (max-width:767px) { .gallery-grid-wrapper { grid-template-columns: repeat(1,1fr) !important; } }
#2. Specific Gallery Grid
First, you need to find Gallery Grid ID. Use below tool
In my example, it is: section[data-section-id="660fb69c5ad8264c5dbae2e7"]
Next, use CSS code like this
@media screen and (max-width:767px) { section[data-section-id="660fb69c5ad8264c5dbae2e7"] .gallery-grid-wrapper { grid-template-columns: repeat(1,1fr) !important; } }
#3. Gallery Masonry
Use this code to Custom CSS box
@media screen and (max-width:767px) { .gallery-masonry-item-wrapper { height: auto !important; margin-bottom: 30px !important; } { position: relative !important; width: 100% !important; transform: unset !important; } .gallery-masonry-item-wrapper { height: auto !important; } .gallery-masonry .gallery-masonry-item[data-loaded] img { width: 100% !important; } .gallery-masonry { padding-left: 10 !important; padding-right: 10 !important; } /* new code */ { height: auto !important; }}
#4. Specific Masonry
Similar #2, Find Masonry ID, then use CSS code like this
@media screen and (max-width:767px) { section[data-section-id="66d3a3595ba3532519b4e0f6"] { .gallery-masonry-item-wrapper { height: auto !important; margin-bottom: 30px !important; } { position: relative !important; width: 100% !important; transform: unset !important; } .gallery-masonry-item-wrapper { height: auto !important; } .gallery-masonry .gallery-masonry-item[data-loaded] img { width: 100% !important; } .gallery-masonry { padding-left: 10 !important; padding-right: 10 !important; } { height: auto !important; }}}