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How to create simple Comparison Pricing Table?

You can follow these to create simple comparison Pricing Table with List Section.
#1. You can add create a page with name/url

5d93df84a3b404ea5da5 Min

Pricing Table – /pricing-table

C745b85fc46f63313a7e Min

#2. Add 2 List Section

A2d78571e241451f1c50 Min

73b048162f268878d137 Min

#3. In each List Section, follow these

Show Title/Body/Button Only

36a7f1bb958b32d56b9a Min

To add Price, you need to make it hyperlink

E1ef8bd9eee949b710f8 Min

use this url: #price

A0c2c9e3a3d3048d5dc2 Min

#4. Edit page where you want to place Pricing Table > Add a Code Block

Af8dd12b871b2045790a Min

#5. Install this plugin

Plugin will give you some code to Code Injection Header/Footer

D79fbe66d35674082d47 Min

20494ab3278380ddd992 Min

Paste this code into Code Block

D91dfb39af0908575118 Min

with this is page url (#1)

9af1cec59bf53cab65e4 Min

#6. Result

87c98a85d2b575eb2ca4 Min