To change text in Manage Cookies Popup.
You can use this code to Custom CSS box
/* Manage Cookies */ .manage-cookies-overlay h3 { visibility: hidden; } .manage-cookies-overlay h3:before { content: "New Title"; visibility: visible; } /* Necessary */ .category-selection:nth-child(2) h4 span { visibility: hidden; } .category-selection:nth-child(2) h4 span:before { visibility: visible; content: "New necessary text"; } /* Always on */ .category-selection:nth-child(2) p { visibility: hidden; } .category-selection:nth-child(2) p:before { visibility: visible; content: "new always on text"; } p.category-description[id*="r1"] { visibility: hidden; } p.category-description[id*="r1"]:before { visibility: visible; content: "new neccessary description text"; } /* Performance and analytics */ .category-selection:nth-child(5) h4 span { visibility: hidden; } .category-selection:nth-child(5) h4 span:before { visibility: visible; content: "New performance text"; } p.category-description[id*="r2"] { visibility: hidden; } p.category-description[id*="r2"]:before { visibility: visible; content: "new performance description text"; } /* Advertising */ .category-selection:nth-child(8) h4 span { visibility: hidden; } .category-selection:nth-child(8) h4 span:before { visibility: visible; content: "New advertising text"; } p.category-description[id*="r3"] { visibility: hidden; } p.category-description[id*="r3"]:before { visibility: visible; content: "new advertising description text"; }