To add Portfolio Items to Dropdow in Main Navigation, you can follow these.
#1. First, find Portfolio item url.
You can hover on each portfolio item > click 3 dots > Settings
See URL Slug
In my example, we will have some items with url
- /work/netflix
- /work/coca-cola
- /work/nokia
- /work/fpt
#2. Click Plus icon > Choose Dropdown
#3. Name it Portfolio with URL /portfolio. You can also use any other names: Work, Project,…
#4. Click ADD Page > Choose Link
#5. Enter Title + URL (you got in step #1)
You will have
#6. Result
#7. Note
You won’t click “Portfolio” title. To make this clickable to Portfolio Page. You can follow these.
#7.1. First, hover on Portfolio > Click Gear icon
#7.2. See URL Slug. In my example, it is: /work
#7.3. Use this code to Code Injection > Footer
<script src=""></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('a.header-nav-folder-title[href="/portfolio"]').click(function() { var link = $(this).text(), href = "/work"; window.location.href=href; }); }); </script>