#1. Hover on each event > Click 3 dots > Settings > Enter a text “View Event” in Excerpt
and add an external link
#2. Use this code to Custom CSS box to turn View Event to button + remove the current button
div.eventlist-excerpt p a { background-color: black; color: white; padding: 10px 20px; display: inline-block; } .eventlist-excerpt p a:after { content: "→"; margin-left: 10px; } a.eventlist-button.sqs-editable-button { display: none; }
#3. Result
#4. If you want to disable Event Title, Image Link, use this CSS code
a.eventlist-column-thumbnail.content-fill, .eventlist-title { pointer-events: none; }
#5. If you use Summary Block with Events, use this code to turn View Event text in Summary to button
div.summary-excerpt p a { background-color: black; color: white; padding: 10px 20px; display: inline-block; } div.summary-excerpt p a:after { content: "→"; margin-left: 10px; }