Suppose you have a List Section (Simple List, Carousel, Banner Slideshow) with 3 items: Monet Goode, Emmett Marsh, and Eleanor Parks.
- When hover on button > Fade color
- When click on button > Show an autoplay video in Lightbox
You can follow these steps to achieve the effect
#1. In Not Linked > Create 3 Blank Pages with Name/URL
- Monet Goode – /monet-goode
- Emmett Marsh – /emmett-marsh
- Eleanor Parks – /eleanor-parks
#2. Edit 3 pages > Add Classic Section > Add Video Blocks > Enable Autoplay Option
(If your site doesn’t support Classic Sections, you can add sections as you normally would)
#3. Enable List Section Item Buttons
#4. Edit List Items (Monet Goode, Emmett Marsh, Eleanor)
#5. Paste these URLs
- #lightbox_monet-goode
- #lightbox_emmett-marsh
- #lightbox_eleanor-parks
and make sure the Open Link in New Tab is disabled
#6. Install Lightbox Plugin
The plugin will ask you to add some code to Code Injection – Footer, something like this.