Password: abc
Description: Click on each checkbox >> Show the corresponding Newsletter Block
You can follow these steps:
#1. First, add 2 Button Blocks and 2 Newsletters
#2. Edit 2 Button Blocks, and use these URLs:
- #forbuyer
- #forseller
and make sure the option “Open Link in New Tab” is disabled.
#3. Install Squarespace ID Finder to find the ID of Buttons and Newsletters.
In my example, we will have:
- Left Newsletter: #block-3196746584b85649d56f
- Right Newsletter: #block-eb7980909cfcaf195b9a
#4. Use code to Code Injection – Footer (or Page Header Code Injection)
<script src=""></script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ // For Buyer $("#block-3196746584b85649d56f").closest('.fe-block').addClass('forbuyer show'); $('a[href="#forbuyer"]').addClass('active-button'); // For Seller $("#block-eb7980909cfcaf195b9a").closest('.fe-block').addClass('forseller'); // For Buyer $('a[href="#forbuyer"]').click(function(){ $(".forbuyer").addClass("show"); $('.fe-block:not(.forbuyer)').removeClass('show'); $(this).addClass('active-button'); $('a:not([href="#forbuyer"])').removeClass('active-button'); } ); // For Seller $('a[href="#forseller"]').click(function(){ $(".forseller").addClass("show"); $('.fe-block:not(.forseller)').removeClass('show'); $(this).addClass('active-button'); $('a:not([href="#forseller"])').removeClass('active-button') } ); }); </script> <style> .forbuyer .newsletter-block, .forseller .newsletter-block { display: none; } .show .newsletter-block { display: block !important; } .show { z-index: 999999 !important; } a[href="#forbuyer"]:before, a[href="#forseller"]:before { content: "\f0c8"; font-family: "Font Awesome 6 Free"; font-weight: bold; font-size: 20px; color: #000 !important; margin-right: 5px; font-weight: 400; } a[href="#forbuyer"], a[href="#forseller"] { background-color: transparent !important; color: #000 !important; } .active-button:before { content: "\f14a" !important; } </style>
#5. Explain code